


DELete MKII is an installation created for the closing night of Mirage Festival at Transbordeur Lyon.

It consists of 72 very low-resolution LED screens specially designed for the occasion, creating an original light and video scenography.


The LED panels, designed by us, are composed of 5V APA102 LED Strips, controlled by Pixlite Long Range via sACN Multicast. Each panel is individual and requires an RJ45 input and a daisy-chained 220V input. 72 panels represent 160 DMX universes.

The panels are controlled by custom software developed in OpenFrameworks, which allows reducing the number of universes to be controlled by a traditional lighting console like Grand Ma 2. We created “custom fixtures” to display colored patterns controlled by the console via Artnet, making them sequenced like any advanced DMX lighting device.

The software also enabled video mapping across all the panels using Madmapper, creating an exploded anamorphosis throughout the entire scenography. The video content was generated using VDMX software.

This software ran on a Raspberry Pi 3 with an HDMI capture card, allowing seamless mixing between video and console-controlled effects.


Artists and Creative Technologists - Benjamin Petit [LTBL], Antoine Vanel [Blindsp0t]
Scenography - Benjamin Petit [LTBL], Antoine Vanel [Blindsp0t], Stephan Rocher [Transbordeur]
Lighting Operator - Idriss Benkheira