We’re excited to announce that Let There Be Light has joined the PlanValley family !
We are expending our network, our international reach and our area of expertise.
Check out their website on
We’re excited to announce that Let There Be Light has joined the PlanValley family !
We are expending our network, our international reach and our area of expertise.
Check out their website on
Video mapping created for the 150th anniversary of the Chapelle des Chartreux in Lyon.
This video mapping was created using Cinema4D and After Effects. The 3D modeling of the facade was done using photogrammetry from photos and then refined in Cinema4D. Green screen footage was also captured and composited to create an interactive effect between a hand (that of the architect) and the facade.
The mapping was projected using MadMapper. The rose window was illuminated from the inside using a powerful spotlight placed at the choir. Its triggering was manually synchronized with the video.
Artists and Creative Technologists - Benjamin Petit and Antoine Vanel [Beam’Art]
Production - Vendredi-4
Video Creation / Animation / Motion Design - Benjamin Petit and Antoine Vanel [Beam’Art] / Yann Boundono / Valentin Nouvel
Sound Design - David Guerra
Technical Production - Quorum Prod & Graffity Spectacles
Video Editing - Yann Boundono