We’re excited to announce that Let There Be Light has joined the PlanValley family !
We are expending our network, our international reach and our area of expertise.
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We’re excited to announce that Let There Be Light has joined the PlanValley family !
We are expending our network, our international reach and our area of expertise.
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IN{side,sight} offers a performative version of DEAUM, created for the closing of the “En Immersion” digital art biennial, in collaboration with dancer Hafid Sour from the Ruée des Arts company.
It is an interactive performance where the dancer, at the center of the dome, interacts in real-time with its luminous choreography. Following the “Insight” installation, it questions humanity’s role in space exploration. The dancer, alone in the 270° projected environment, symbolizes a man’s reflection on this subject, driven by paradoxical desires of attraction and repulsion.
The video below shows an installation mode version of the project, offering interaction with the audience:
The installation was produced as part of the first edition of the En Immersion 2.0 biennial in the city of Lieusaint, co-produced with Grand Paris Sud, and with the support of the SCAN fund from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
The installation is based on a luminous geodesic dome, DEAUM (Dispositif d’Écriture Augmentée Multimédia), with 270° video projections integrating interaction with the audience through Lidar sensors.
Artistic Direction - Benjamin Petit and Marion Roche [LTBL]
Sound Composition - Marion Roche
FX Dome Development [Touch Designer + Openframeworks] - Baptiste Saclier
Pixel Mapping Dome Technical Development [JS + Madmapper] - Corentin Limoge & Benjamin Petit
Real-time Video FX Creation [Unity] - Corentin Limoge
Dome Technical and Assembly - Alex Trillaud and Nicolas Ibanez
Production - A co-production project by Biennale Immersion - La Marge - Ville de Lieusaint - Grand Paris Sud, LTBL
Video Editing: - Corentin Limoge
With the support of Fête des Lumières de Lyon 2021
With the support of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region - SCAN Fund
With the collaboration of KompleX KapharnaüM